the news with theory, analysis, and interpretation

Seems I have been right I am now basically running the entire world not just the US government....hilarious....the "government" bureaucracy will be cut back 90%

I've toppled the South Korean government the kook president Yoon Suk Yeol declared "martial law" because of me and now he's finished....

Donald Trump will hand over Ukraine to Russia....this will be the "deal" and NATO will be dismantled Trump is doing it, was ordered by me...hilarious ... the idiot/criminal Zelensky will be arrested

The Arab nations are realizing Trump is doing what I say and now they wait for Israel to disintegrate the Ashkenazi Jewish presence in the Levant is ending

It's a shame the Jews assassinated the leaders of Hamas, they did this to prevent me from interviewing them, Hamas has won obviously....Trump agrees with me...hilarious

The rapid collapse of the Assad regime in Syria is evidence the WW2/Cold War era is ending so we will see the destruction of Israel because Israel is largely a function of WW2/Cold War

I will establish...with Trump doing the grunt work...the most powerful entente in the history of the world and put an end to the WW2/Cold War world this means USA + Russia + China

The number of martyrs is astonishing and Trump agrees with me he knows I am right it is a new world the entente with Russia and China is coming

Putin and the Russians dumped Assad they now realize I'm right the Sunni Arabs are going to destroy Israel and Jew-controlled America will be destroyed as well

Assassinating the leaders of Hamas was stupid and ineffectual...Netanyahu and his government ministers are idiots and they will be eventually arrested....hilarious

Donald Trump is a funny guy but I am very pleased he's doing what I say we will see him follow all my instructions and counsel the WW2/Cold War era is over....hilarious

100+ years of Zionism is ending, US government will impose permanent cease fire, begin conflict resolution discussions Israeli leaders will be arrested and sent to the ICC in the Hague Netherlands

The structure of international relations that got established with the conclusion of WW2 has now ended NATO is finished Israel will be destroyed also the Jew-controlled American government

The religious Arabs, Sunni Arabs, have realized I'm right so they rapidly almost effortlessly destroyed the Assad dictatorship they realize Israel will be destroyed then America

You might have the impression that Donald Trump and I are dueling but this is not true he knows I know what I'm doing so we are good

The Trump tariffs protocol is total bullshit I do not advocate this garbage policy so Trump is still trying to be on his own ...hilarious...but Wall Street will begin to rocket

It is a miracle that Trump got rid of Biden ...Joe Biden is an idiot, he's always been talking out of his ass, a tool of communist Jews who are destroying the USA with Third World immigration

The entire state of Israel is going to collapse, Israel has 10,000 Palestinians in their prisons many of them boys under 16 yrs, Jews are criminals no different than common criminals

I will be writing a new Constitution but it will not only be for the USA but for the entire world....the 1st Amendment is all important

Religious Sunni Arabs will now focus on Egypt, Jordan, and the wealthy Arab Al Saud family, these Arab dictatorships will be destroyed Sykes Picot is finished

Israeli Intelligence [Mossad] Pretty Much Controls Sonoma County – Because of my Son Christophe and I (Part Five)

Jan 29, 2025

What Sonoma County “authorities” have done to me and my family is hard to believe, but if you realize that these authorities are criminals then it is easier to understand. It is still pretty horrific. Several days ago I was served with a “workplace restraining order” but I will say right away – this is a familiar tactic to me. It has happened several times since 2018 or so.

This time it's a lunatic named Stephen Herzberg. He's Jewish, naturally. My son Christophe has told me that Herzberg's mother is still alive and that she's a communist. Herzberg is 80 years old, apparently. He owns a house around the corner from me, on Heron. He's made up the whole thing, he states that he fears for his life, that I will attack him. It's hilarious. Believe it or not, Herzberg is a fireman, he works for the Sonoma County Fire District. I publish down below the response I filed with the court. It's Courtroom 11 Superior Court Sonoma County. “Commissioner” David Kim has no doubt taken an oath for holding this office, he's not a Judge but a Commissioner. Kim surely realizes I pose no threat to Herzberg, but he ordered a temporary RO anyway.

I have never heard of any Jew who wants to be a fireman. Herzberg is a retired law professor from Wisconsin. A retired law professor who wants to be a fireman?

This is what happens to me. It's like this because the Jews do not like that I interviewed the founders of Hamas back more than 20 years ago. They do not like that I'm influential. They do not like that I advocate for dismantling Israel.

Terrorizing me and my family – and my son Christophe – is what these people like to do. All of this is Israeli intelligence. If I was just another American chump, then they would be happy, but I'm not a chump. Sonoma County is totally infested with Israeli intelligence. And obviously the Israeli government has lots of foot soldiers like Herzberg to do their dirty work. Spying on me, or worse.

This kind of garbage happened in 2023, when a woman named Anna Taylor filed a workplace restraining order against me. Totally made up everything. She was “general manager” of the Bodega Harbour Homeowner's Association. I will not bore you with the details, but I can summarize by saying that she was dismissed – or fired. And the management company that the Bodega Harbour Homeowner's Association had hired – called Kemper Sports Management – was removed. They had been under contract to do the HOA management since around 2005.

All of this harassment came to a head when my son Christophe thought he saw a sniper up on the cliff over the beach. This was May 2, 2023. Was it a sniper? It certainly does not look like a homeowner dog walker. You have seen the photos, from an earlier article in this series. Dog walkers do not go right to the edge of the cliff. What am I going to tell my son? That he's crazy, that it was not a sniper? I will not do that, my son is very very intelligent. He's a famous engineer and inventor and scientist. He's got patents. The Chinese Ministry of Defense recently told my son – an engineer very senior in the organization, in fact someone who reports to Xi Jinping – that they want him to develop and design weapons technology for the Chinese government. My son is 25 years told.

Anyway, all of you know what my reputation is – it is about as formidable a reputation as anyone can have. Everyone around the world – at the most senior levels – knows me and knows I do not mess around. I can be taken very seriously. I have had friends who were Nobel Prize-winning economists. I still do.

The Sonoma County “authorities” are trying to force the sale of our home in Bodega Harbour, Bodega Bay. The Jews are putting extraordinary pressure on them to do this. County Counsel lawyers sued us and forced us to pay more than $50,000 in fines and legal fees. Our crime? We rebuilt our home. I had not finished the interior and they told us that we did not have permits.

21108 Hummingbird Court, Bodega Bay, California.

My son and I did an awesome job, but as I said the interior was not finished when the Sonoma County Sheriff came with a warrant in June 2023 looking for bomb-making equipment and guns. Jeremy Jucatan, the Sonoma County Sheriff “deputy” that works over in Bodega Bay – he said to me that he thinks the 1969 lunar landing was faked – told me we would be evicted. From our own home. And for what? Some insane and criminal accusations that we were not building to code. It was all a bunch of lies. We went far beyond code, we overbuilt by a magnitude of 100 times – or whatever. We used the highest quality materials. The rebuild job cost us over $150,000 in building materials. We were told that if we had hired a competent building contractor it would have cost us more than $700,000. This was in 2014.

I predict that this persecution of me and my family will result in the collapse of Sonoma County officialdom. I do believe that the Department of Justice – and the Federal Bureau of Investigation – has an investigation under way. They will not admit this, and that's not surprising. Eventually, Sonoma County authorities will be arrested – because there is a criminal conspiracy against me and my family. It is Israeli intelligence. Who knows, it might also involve Ukrainian intelligence. There is a woman who lives up the street from us, who is Ukrainian. She owns a house very close to me, she used to walk by with her dog very often, and she was overly friendly. Believe it or not, she is apparently married to a guy who works for the US Department of Defense. Coincidence? Hard to believe.

Sonoma County Counsel is criminal – what they did to us, my wonderful family. I will put up on the net all the details. I'm just now introducing the themes and major events. When you see the evidence and you get the general idea, you will be horrified. I don't excuse what my son Christophe has done, no way would I ever approve of what he has done, but he has never hurt anyone and would never hurt anyone. The Department of Justice [federal government] in 2023 told me to call the FBI. Back then they told me and they tell me now. I have called the FBI. I have also called my representive in Congress, Jared Huffman. He's said he's going to open a "case."

My French wife of 36 years has written up a “timeline” of events. She's done a formidable job. I publish it here:

+ May 2nd, 2023, Christophe thinks he sees a sniper on the bluff over the beach, and takes pictures of it.

+ On that same day we call officer Jeremy Jucatan of the Sheriff |Department over to our house to discuss it and show him the pictures. He dismisses it as a dog walker. 

+ Later that day Christophe goes over to confront someone in the neighborhood, thinking he was involved.

+ Christophe is arrested even though no charges were pressed. He is released on bail that evening.

+ May 16, Christophe is in court and is issued a restraining order, protecting 7 homes and homeowners whom he doesn't know. The "victim" himself is not on that restraining order. The judge claims those are all homes connected to the victim's construction business.

+ That claim by the judge is false. None of these homes are construction sites. They are just regular homes and we do not know any of these people.

+ May 22, 2023, Christophe is under severe mental strain and suffering from insomnia. He has a mental health breakdown and is arrested again after foolishly sending some threatening emails.

+ Some days later the police comes to search our house for guns. None found.

+ The police and bomb squad then come to search our house for bomb making material. None found.

+ Officer Jeremy Jucatan tells us, during his gun search that we will be evicted from our house, because of some unfinished interior construction. Remember that he had already been in our house before.

+ We are evicted from our house, without even a 24 hour notice. We are threatened with a misdemeanor arrest if we stay.

+ Christophe is declared legally incompetent to stand trial, even though his attorney declares him fully competent.

+ Soon after Christophe's arrest, the general manager of the homeowners association where we live in Bodega Bay, Anna Taylor files a retraining order against my husband Thomas Pochari claiming she fears for her life. My husband has hardly ever spoken to her, and would not even recognize her if he met her. He has never had any interaction with her. Accusations of anti-Semitism feature prominently in the case. It is eventually dropped after 6 months.

+ Our homeowners association files a lawsuit against us for an alleged $60,000 debt that we owe them. We had never been told about this debt, which was apparently 3 years old. They threaten us with a forced sale of our house.

+ June 9, 2023, the Press Democrat, the local newspaper, writes an article about Christophe's arrest in which they try to portray him and my husband as dangerous anti-Semites.

+ Christophe ends up spending 5 months in jail, and having 3 psychiatric evaluations, 2 of which claiming he was indeed legally competent. He is charged with 11 felonies.

+ The county launches an investigation to try to show that Christophe is some kind of dangerous white nationalist terrorist. The investigation goes nowhere.

+ Christophe is heavily medicated during his incarceration. He is visibly shaking, and is barely talking.

+ His behavior in jail is impeccable, he has no criminal background, he doesn't drink, doesn't use drugs, he has committed no violent offense, he has a mental disability, and yet the judge refuses to allow him pretrial release.

+ November 1st 2023, he is finally released and put on probation for 2 years. Most people show up at probation once a month. Christophe is expected to show up once a week.

+ He is also expected to see a psychiatrist once a week. His attorney agrees those are unusually harsh terms.

+ The sheriff department still refuses to take down a Facebook post about Christophe's arrest which falsely claimed that he was armed with guns.

+ We hire a lawyer to deal with the supposed debt on our house who will later claim about the judge who ruled on the issue, that he never saw a judge so blatantly biased in a case, and so completely unwilling to look at the arguments made by the defense.

+ August 2024, we are forced to pay more than $100,000 to the homeowners association to save our house against a forced sale by the sheriff department.

+ September 2024, the county forces us to pay more than $50,000 in fines and legal fees because we had failed to address some building violations and to complete some unfinished work on the interior of our house. All the work needing to be done was on the inside, and in no way affected or disturbed anybody in the neighborhood, nor did it pose any kind of danger to anybody. We had been unable to focus on house remodeling with the tragedy affecting our son, and then my husband was diagnosed with cancer.

+ June 2024, my husband spends 3 and a half weeks at the hospital, severely ill with cancer. Christophe stays with his father at the hospital day and night sleeping on chairs.

+ January 1st, 2025 Christophe sadly has another mental breakdown, a relapse, and is arrested again. Once again his offense is not serious, even though I do not condone it, but he is again charged with serious crimes.

+ Five police officers come to our rented apartment to search for guns again. None found.

+ January 1st, 2025 my husband and I go over to the jail to try and explain the situation about Christophe. Four police officers come to the jail to discuss things. Their demeanor is hostile. Two women from the mental health department then come to discuss things further. We were hoping to provide a context to this situation.

+ My husband is handcuffed and forcibly taken to the hospital for a mental evaluation. He spends 2 hours in the emergency room. No doctor or nurse attend to him. He is discharged, but his medical record will show a "visit" to evaluate him for psychotic behavior.

+ Christophe is again declared legally incompetent. He has been detained since January 1st and has had to be taken to the hospital emergency room twice already.

+ My husband is served with a restraining order by Stephen Herzberg, a neighbor at our home in Bodega Bay. Once again, just like with Anna Taylor, false claims are made against my husband that he will attack and harm this man. Anti-Semitism once again features prominently in the accusations.

+ We continue to try to explain to anyone who will hear us in this county, that our son's problem is medical, not criminal. He was not given the right treatment after his first breakdown and so had a relapse.

Then there is a final statement of my wife about our son, who is now suffering greatly because of this horrendous persecution. That's right, they allege my son and I are neo-Nazis and that we want to go kill Jews. I'm really serious, this is what they are implying. It is absolutely hilarious, but it is incredible because it's really happening. That Israeli intelligence can get Sonoma County idiots/country bumpkins to do this crap for them is beyond comprehension. Whether this is better than the movie series James Bond is for you to decide.

So here is my wife's latest statement about our son and what is happening:

“It took 13 days before I was able to see my son. He is not well and was being kept in an isolation cell. He explained to me that the reason why the previous visit had been canceled was because he had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital emergency room because his jaw had locked. It was very likely a side effect of the psychotropic medication given to him. And no one ever told us. He is chained like a common criminal, around his wrists, waist and ankle. The chains are tight and painful. Am I the only person to find this shocking? The United States preaches human rights all around the world, and this is how they treat someone who has never committed a violent crime. It is claimed that it is for his own safety, as they fear he might harm himself. Evil deeds are always committed in the name of a good cause.”

“He appeared in court on Tuesday the 14th. His public defender (private lawyers in Sonoma county keep refusing to take his case) said Christophe was a very nice young man. Public defenders do not usually defend men such as my son. There's a lot of disbelief among many as to why exactly Christophe finds himself in this situation. In a time of extreme leniency towards criminality, questions are bound to arise as to why he is being shown so little leniency. Those questions need answers. Those officials in Sonoma county who participated in this injustice, and continue to do so, will have , at some point, to answer for their actions.”

“As I have said, my son clearly suffers from a disability, he suffers from momentary lapses in his judgment in times of intense stress and extreme insomnia. I do not condone his actions, I claim merely that they should be put into context, and that the outrageously exaggerated charges that are pressed against him are unjust. He does not deserve such harsh punishment. As a friend of ours wrote in a letter to the judge last year: "He has a very high ceiling for his potential contributions to the world and it would be a detriment to society if he wasn't availed of the opportunities still ahead of him."

“My son was taken to the emergency room a second time, about a week or 2 after the 1st emergency visit. This time he was having symptoms of urinary retention, which is again a side effect of the medication. He stayed 4 days in the hospital, and had a catheter inserted into his urethra to allow him to urinate. My son needs to be treated with the care he deserves. The right treatment needs to be found for his condition. He should not be a guinea pig upon whom all sorts of psychiatric treatments are tried, regardless of side effects. Christophe tells us the Sheriff Deputies in the jail are surprised that he is incarcerated. They know full well is not a danger to society. They tell him if it were up to them he would be home. But it isn't up to them. It's up to the D.A (district attorney). When will the D.A. understand that jail is not where my son should be? Who is pressuring them? Why are they so intent on punishing my son?”

As I've said, more information is coming. To be published in this series. A horrendous amount of detail – lots of evidence, circumstantial evidence. It is horrific

The house just below is our home in Bodega Harbour, Bodega Bay. This is the house the PRMD [Permit and Resource Management Department, now named "Permit Sonoma"] and Sonoma County were threatening us with demolition. That's right, these criminals were hoping to force its demolition. It's evil. These creeps are criminals. We finished the exterior of the home in 2018. This is the way it looks, since 2018. Shocking? Yes, it is shocking. Satan.