the news with theory, analysis, and interpretation

Seems I have been right I am now basically running the entire world not just the US government....hilarious....the "government" bureaucracy will be cut back 90%

I've toppled the South Korean government the kook president Yoon Suk Yeol declared "martial law" because of me and now he's finished....

Donald Trump will hand over Ukraine to Russia....this will be the "deal" and NATO will be dismantled Trump is doing it, was ordered by me...hilarious ... the idiot/criminal Zelensky will be arrested

The Arab nations are realizing Trump is doing what I say and now they wait for Israel to disintegrate the Ashkenazi Jewish presence in the Levant is ending

It's a shame the Jews assassinated the leaders of Hamas, they did this to prevent me from interviewing them, Hamas has won obviously....Trump agrees with me...hilarious

The rapid collapse of the Assad regime in Syria is evidence the WW2/Cold War era is ending so we will see the destruction of Israel because Israel is largely a function of WW2/Cold War

I will establish...with Trump doing the grunt work...the most powerful entente in the history of the world and put an end to the WW2/Cold War world this means USA + Russia + China

The number of martyrs is astonishing and Trump agrees with me he knows I am right it is a new world the entente with Russia and China is coming

Putin and the Russians dumped Assad they now realize I'm right the Sunni Arabs are going to destroy Israel and Jew-controlled America will be destroyed as well

Assassinating the leaders of Hamas was stupid and ineffectual...Netanyahu and his government ministers are idiots and they will be eventually arrested....hilarious

Donald Trump is a funny guy but I am very pleased he's doing what I say we will see him follow all my instructions and counsel the WW2/Cold War era is over....hilarious

100+ years of Zionism is ending, US government will impose permanent cease fire, begin conflict resolution discussions Israeli leaders will be arrested and sent to the ICC in the Hague Netherlands

The structure of international relations that got established with the conclusion of WW2 has now ended NATO is finished Israel will be destroyed also the Jew-controlled American government

The religious Arabs, Sunni Arabs, have realized I'm right so they rapidly almost effortlessly destroyed the Assad dictatorship they realize Israel will be destroyed then America

You might have the impression that Donald Trump and I are dueling but this is not true he knows I know what I'm doing so we are good

The Trump tariffs protocol is total bullshit I do not advocate this garbage policy so Trump is still trying to be on his own ...hilarious...but Wall Street will begin to rocket

It is a miracle that Trump got rid of Biden ...Joe Biden is an idiot, he's always been talking out of his ass, a tool of communist Jews who are destroying the USA with Third World immigration

The entire state of Israel is going to collapse, Israel has 10,000 Palestinians in their prisons many of them boys under 16 yrs, Jews are criminals no different than common criminals

I will be writing a new Constitution but it will not only be for the USA but for the entire world....the 1st Amendment is all important

Religious Sunni Arabs will now focus on Egypt, Jordan, and the wealthy Arab Al Saud family, these Arab dictatorships will be destroyed Sykes Picot is finished

Kazakhstan Becomes a Center and Crossroads of Power and Wealth [August 2007]

May 27, 2022

It was the summer of 2007 and I had called up the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Washington DC, asking them if I could interview the Kazakh ambassador. If I remember correctly they responded pretty quickly, and agreed. It was certainly a cool idea, and they seemed to agree.

As I look back on my life, it seems pretty obvious now that I am typically way ahead of my time, and that's no problem but it does require some patience. So I have always been patient, and I am in fact super patient -- almost always. 

It's kind of funny that the State Department is never quite relevant, and maybe almost always irrelevant. Am I being too harsh? Probably not. So I talked to Mr Yerlan Idrisov [Erlan Abilfayizuly Idrissov]. Did an interview, a recorded interview. I will republish this 2007 audio interview as soon as possible. I have to do this stuff all on my own, which is great but it does require a lot of work and also a good amount of so-called determination.

Information is power, knowledge is power. Looks like I will again be interviewing the ambassador of Kazakhstan, the current one. We will soon talk, and of course the audio recording will be published here.  

So below is the image of my original article in World Affairs Monthly. Published August 2007. The text is messed up because the web site had been repeatedly hacked, and this was the unfortunate result. Sorry about that. Who did the hacking? Probably some freaks or deviants in Washington DC or New York City. Also below -- below the image of my original article -- is a brief biography of Idrissov, from Wikipedia.