the news with theory, analysis, and interpretation

Seems I have been right I am now basically running the entire US government OK yes I do not yet have the power to exert my will over the bureaucracy but it is coming

It is obvious that i am responsible for the prisoner swap, I have established excellent relations with the Russian government, the idiotic Ukraine war is finished

I predicted in 1999 that Israel would be destroyed [within 20 years] I will be ensuring the 450 million Arabs also Persians will be integrated into the world economy

The Arab nations will of course join in this battle the final battle this has been prepared for many years the Ashkenazi Jewish presence in the Levant is ending

Some of you know that the founder of Hamas Ahmed Yassin was assassinated by the Israeli government some 20 years ago because I was going to interview him

The world is now guided only by information and knowledge and we can expect huge upheaval and also the removal or destruction of incompetent rulers and bureaucrats

I will establish the most powerful entente in the history of the world and put an end to the World War II / Cold War world this means USA + Russia + China

As I said some of you know that some 20 years ago I interviewed the co-founders of Hamas and the Israeli government assassinated them immediately afterwards this really angered me

I just texted the press attache at the Mission of Iran to the United Nations and told him I will be establishing full and normal diplomatic relations with the Republic of Iran

I have no easy way to contact the leaders of Hamas but I will do it through the government of Qatar and I will direct the US government to establish diplomatic relations with Hamas

I just got off the telephone with the Russian government I am going to talk to Mr Vladimir Putin I said Mr Putin and I will explain to the world what is happening we will be totally honest

100+ years of Zionism is ending, US government will impose permanent cease fire, begin conflict resolution discussions Israeli leaders will be arrested and sent to the ICC in the Hague Netherlands

The structure of international relations that got established with the conclusion of WW2 is now ending NATO is finished it will collapse Israel will be destroyed also American government will collapse

In a few months the world will realize Israel will be destroyed then the collapse of America will be next much of Israeli population may be killed there may be war in the USA

My information technology team has restored [for me only] the Old WAM [2002-2018] I will now be republishing most if not all the some 400 interviews and thousands of articles in the new WAM

1945-2022 you could argue that the Pale of Settlement having moved to the Western Hemisphere has had ample resources to fully build out but now this is ending, the build out

Joe Biden met with Xi Jinping for 4 hours in Woodside CA apparently large American corporations were present for presentation of entente proposal between the United States and China initiated by me

I know it is difficult for most to admit but the fundamental problem as I have been saying for a long time is that the USA is run by criminals

Discussing reality is very dangerous & the Ashkenazi Jews who control the United States do everything they can to suppress free speech but now WAM is leading the information war this is very exciting

I am very pleased with the pace of change in the world there will be very rapid economic development in the Middle East the Ashkenazi Jewish insanity is ending America will be free also Arab world

The Four Principal Sources of Conflict in Ukraine

Jun 04, 2022

I confess that I really never paid too much attention to what was going on in Ukraine. It was obvious to me however that there were some extreme policies being promoted there -- by the United States -- but I was not fully appreciating the seriousness of "Ukraine independence" until recently. When the Russian troop build up got under way in November 2021 I did finally wake up to the intensity of what was going on. It is interesting to note that I did an interview with Mr Khalid Mahmood [he has served unofficially as one of my research assistants since 2003 or so] on August 16, 2021. The topic of discussion was Afghanistan, the retreat of Americans from Afghanistan and the effective capitulation to the Taliban. I will soon publish this interview here, in two parts but you can now find it at Mahmood's You Tube channel which is called Restoring the Mind. The title: "Regime Change In Afghanistan And Its Regional Geopolitical Implications Part 1" and "Regime Change In Afghanistan And Its Regional Geopolitical Implications Part 2".

[Mahmood has deleted all the interviews he did of me, at his You Tube station. So you will no longer find these two interviews there....but I anticipated this and I have published them myself at World Affairs Monthly: "Mr Khalid Mahmood [] interviews Thomas Pochari [Part 1] Aug 16, 2021" also "Mr Khalid Mahmood [] interviews Thomas Pochari [Part 2] Aug 16, 2021".

Why did Mahmood delete these? Good question. I will at some point be writing an article about Mahmood, he served effectively as one of my research assistants for more than ten years. The answer is basically that he is a criminal, and had ultimately very negative motives and intentions. He is also pretty crazy, unfortunately. I will explain however in the article, which will be very brief.]   

Why do I mention this interview? It seems possible if not likely that Mr Vladimir Putin heard about this interview, listened to it or had one of his aides listen to it, and report to him. Some 3 months later the Russians started putting their large and fearsome war machine on their border with Ukraine. I had argued in the interview that there were going to be serious implications of the retreat of the American Ashkenazi war machine in Afghanistan. Those implications? Serious unrest in Central Asia, even in Russia. I stated that Putin was not a "development dictator" and that he was merely a dictator -- interested in accumulating vast wealth for himself and his inner circle of friends and allies and aides. I have an intuition that this argument [made by me to Mahmood] outraged and shocked Putin but he must have realized I was right. So he acted. He is now a "development dictator" and the Ukraine military incursion inaugurates this change in policy in Moscow. By the way, I had written Mr Putin a letter in 2016, I believe it was late 2016. [I have published it below.]

So the four sources of conflict in Ukraine? It is a complex and dangerous conflict, and it can be easily argued that NATO's expansion, relentless expansion eastward, is the core reason the Russians and Mr Putin are so agitated and disturbed. Certainly this is the case. I will argue however that there are precisely 4 sources of this conflict. 

1) Reverse Zionism. Ashkenazi Jews in the United States and Israel -- and of course they totally dominate the American government and make virtually all policy -- have begun to realize that Zionism is a profound mistake, that Israel is very likely to be dismantled or even defeated in conflict and war. They do not admit this publicly of course but it is a reality, for them a rather frightening reality. They want the Jews in Israel to be able to go back home -- to the Pale of Settlement. This means Ukraine, perhaps even Poland. So it is possible Poland will also be in upheaval and even invaded and destroyed. Getting control of Ukraine was thus very important if not critical. 

2) Get access to the very large reserves of Russian crude oil and Russia's equally large reseves of mineral resources/natural resources. This means toppling Mr Putin's government and establishing an Ashkenazi-controlled government in Moscow. This means expanding NATO eastward, all the way to the border of Russia. This means controlling Ukraine and using Ukraine as a platform for undermining and weakening the Russian government dominated by Mr Vladimir Putin. Isn't this what was going on? It is this I was not paying too much attention to -- although I knew it was happening. The United States has a very serious and even grave energy predicament. There is an unambiguous peaking of crude oil production. This happened in the early 1970s and resulted in the United States being compelled to import more and more of its crude oil, up to 65% by 2004 or so. Indeed the large current account deficit of the United States was principally a result of these large and growing crude oil imports. Now there is the prospect of a peak in the production of tight oil -- the fracking business. The EROI [energy return on investment] of tight oil is very small and yet the United States is now apparently getting some 50% of its oil from these costly fracking operations. The situation is dire. So we can appreciate just how desperate the Ashkenazi Jews in Washington and New York City are -- they are insanely desperate. Yet anyone can see that Russia is not Iraq. Saddam Hussein's government was toppled for oil, mostly oil. The Ashkenazi Jews ordered the invasion of Iraq for the oil but also to protect the Jews in Israel. 

3) After toppling Mr Putin's government in Moscow and getting control of Russian natural resources notably the vast reserves of crude oil, work to topple the Chinese government and get control of the more than 1 billion hard-working Chinese. The Han Chinese "factory of the entire world". Halford Mackinder's thesis cannot be ignored, and it is not ignored. Ashkenazi Jews really do want to rule the entire world and it outrages them that they have so far failed to topple the Chinese government and install their own government in Beijing. So the Ukraine conflict is not really about Ukraine -- it is about the Ashkenazi domination of the world, of Eurasia. Halford Mackinder. 

4) Displace and indeed replace the native European populations of European nation states with Arabs and Africans and this would of course include the Slavic people of Eastern Europe and Russia thus destroying the principal enemy of the Jews. The plan was to replace the Slavic people of Ukraine with Africans and even Arabs and Dravidians -- or anyone around the world just so they are not European. The replacement of Europeans with Arabs and Africans is now very much under way and I have published below an image which offers the latest data on that operation -- it is called "the Great Replacement" in France. It is apparently an expression which all French people now use. France knows it is happening. Ashkenazi Jews in the United States and Israel want to destroy Europe and Russia -- the highly competent and impressive European genome. They even want to destroy the United States and replace its European population with mestizos from Mexico and Central America. This is now happening, in California almost 50% of the population is mestizo. California is rapidly growing to resemble a Third World country -- with Third World conditions.

This article is longer than I wanted it to be, so I will end it here. I have nothing more to say really. Only that this conflict is very serious, it could be argued that it is much more serious than any conflict in the history of the world. It is possible to argue that, yes really. Will it escalate? I am going to argue here that it likely will. Will it escalate to the point where it will be called World War III? I do think it is quite possible. I will follow up with another article on this topic, maybe calling it Part 2.